Friday, August 21, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

A moment of silence!

I have taken a bit of time off of mime blogging, but I am back to say well nothing out loud cause I am suppose to be a mime. (your suppose to laugh)

Anyways I have to say welcome to a new mime member if I didnt already Eric Langley he has been on the team for several months now. Soon to be in a mime sooner than later.

I have been wanting our team to grow spiritually as a team and to go deeper in Gods love and glory. So I have been trying to do small devotionals before practice and to be honest I am not very good at doing it, so I am trying to really do it.

As a mime we take the silence or words in a song or music and bring them to life. We trying to create funny or silly environment to impact people in ways they never though possible. You can do funny, serious, energetic, or just plan useless things to get the attention of the audience that is at hand.

So in all the preparation that you do in practice, rehersing, learning, etc you must have one key ingredient for ministry and that is a passion for Jesus. Pursuring passion is what I am talking about. You cant minister to the fullest capacity if you dont seek Jesus and worship him and chase after him. We need to God after him like there is no tomorrow because are lives are but a vaper and if you dont do it now, you may never get a chance to do.

Jump in over your head, so deep that the only thing that you can do is depend of God's help and his source of strenght. (meaning Jump into his word and seek after him fully, for those who might have thought an actual river)

Forget jumping in Dive into his presence, chase after it until you get and then want more of it. Instead of trying to say meaningless things say nothing, or just be quiet and stand in silence and then is when you will hear from God like you have never heard from him before. Quit talking, and open your ears to hear what God is saying.

Mimes have to listen because their voice is on mute and so they cannot speak(or arnt suppose to), so they are there in a silence and have to look at people in the face to see deeper into someones hurt and pain.

Stand in silence with an open heart and mind and see what he will do in your life.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Here is a video Done at the New Vision Ministry Center Portland Outreach. Keep in mind people are there in line waiting to go inside and get free food, free clothes, toys, etc.

It was an awesome day and time:)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Call? What is yours?

So I have been thinking about this for some time. Many ask about joining the Mime ministry or say I want to do that.

I like to say a thought to those who have questions and been wondering if mime was for them, here are some things that might help you decide if this is the destiny that God has planned for you.

We are all Called to some thing. What are you called for? What is your purpose? Is your purpose to serve God, worship, praise, and create unique ways of sharing about the love of Jesus?

Come out of your silent Mime box and step into the world of Mime. There is nothing more powerful then the silence of the holy spirit moving in the hearts of lost.

so here are FAQ frequently asked questions.

Do I want to do mime because the make up is cool?
** Answer: Just because some is or looks cool dosent mean you should do it.

Do I desire a deeper relationship with God?
** Answer: You must answer yes to this question, because it requires more than you think, you are actually ministering the gospel in a unique way, you are a minister.

Do I need to be dedicated?
**Answer: dedication is important to any thing, remember not to over do your self, and commitment is the key to success and the anointing

Am I qualified?
**Answer: yes we are all qualified and we are all called to share the gospel, it may not be through silence. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Peter 4:13

Do I need to be a worshiper?
**Answer: yes you need to be passionate and ready at all time to worship and praise his name, Mime is a form of worship

Do i need to have a sense of humor?
**Answer: yes you need to have a funny sense of humor, and be ready to be funny and do outright silly things.

Any other quesitons please feel free to ask. Anyways that is all for now. So not the question is are you called to silence?

Friday, April 3, 2009

So its almost here!

So its almost time for Sunday and we are ministering at the 9 am and 11 am services. The new ones don't really understand fully the impact they will have until tomorrow. God is going to use them in a way they never thought possible. Really excited for them it is going to be awesome!

Our main purpose is to be used by God to minister what he is speaking and trying to say through us to reach his people. The message might be for some one in the audience or it could be for the ones ministering. I cant wait till they get to feel what it feels like ministering in front of about 1300 people its going to be awesome:)

I am very exicted to see us minister this mime, i will post it hopefully sunday night. Come back to see it if you wont be able to be at church sunday;)

Monday, March 30, 2009

We are moved by what we see!

Ok So here are a few things to remember when ministering Mime.

Mime is an expression or communication of an emotion, thought, idea, story, etc through body gestures and facial expression with out spoken words.

Mime is a communicator! That is big, when you are a christian mime and you are ministering whether you are spontaneously ministering or you are doing a pre-practiced piece you are a minister at that point and time. Communicating through mime means the mime must interpret beyond words and use other way to get across the thought or idea.

Always remember to EXAGGERATE or Maginify your actions especially your facial expressions, so that the person in the back of the audience will be able to see what you are doing. Its like larger than life actions and facial expressions.

Facial gestures are one of the biggest keys in mime, you have to be able to do the right facial gestures to get across to the audience what it is you want them to do. For example when the pastor and I did God is here back in December we were trying to get the audience to responed to a silent alter call. So we were using gestures trying to pull people to the alter. Pointing at the alter, and when someone came to the alter we pointed at them and shook our heads in agreement to let the audience know that is what we wanted them to do, it was an awesome expreince. When ministering mime you have to exact communication of what it is you want the audience to receive in the message your sending.

I just want to say on another note of our group and that it has gotten off to a great start. This sunday is our offical first ministering oppurtunity as Called to Silence Mime ministry of New Vision Ministry Center. I have to say that I am very nervous about this because it is going to show the rest of the church what the mime ministry is about and the standards are high. So tonight at our last monday practice we have to hit it hard and work out the details because this is going to be a big thing for us.

So If you are reading this and dont go to New Vision Ministry center in Louisville please think about comming and checking us out. If you are a mimer please be ready to work tonight its going to be a very long practice:)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Our Mimes

Here are some silly pictures that we took at our last practice. They are pretty funny and just shows us being mimers. :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Amazing God

In doing some studying I have came across somethings that I think go when thinking about doing mime.

First we have to look deep in our hearts and see what is the purpose of being on the mime team. What is the goal and why am I here. We must examine deep down and ask what is our purpose and where do we go from there.

You must have a passion for Christ. You must want to praise his name and be willing to do things a little bit different than usual. Mime is not always liked and not always accepted. But it is a very useful tool that will grab someones attention and then hit them with some real truths about their own lives.

So we must seek him and want to go deeper with our mime walk with him. We must realize that the actions, feelings, thoughts, and the things that we portray reflect what God wants to be reflected. We take our selves out and realize it is him that is speaking through us. He is the amazing God, he is the Amazing king. We dont get the glory or praise he does. He is the one that saved us from our afflictions and our junk.

Whether we mime in a park, in a church, to a song, or a skit we are taking our selves out of it and he is speaking through us. The Amazing God, Amazing King.

Amazing means (adjective) Causing wonder and amazement; possessing uniquely wonderful qualities

Amazing means (noun) Action when something is causing wonder

So if you say amazing God, Amazing King your saying that God is causing wonder and amazement in your lives and around you. There is no one like him cause he is amazing. Wow he is truly amazing.

So when this song is ministered please know the he is amazing in all things and make it personal.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Impact or Distract, Prepare to go somewhere

Mime is much more than what people may think.

There are a lot of elements involved when thinking about miming.

For example facial expressions are key in miming, along with your body movements and techniques that you might use. Practicing is very important. Spending time in front of the mirror will help you get an idea of using different facial expressions.

You also need to have a sense of humor, well silly humor as I like to say anyway.

Mime ministry is an amazing ministry that can either impact or it can distract, ooo that was good, So impact or distract, which do you want to do?

You have to have a hear for worship and ministering. Its not just something that you do because it looks fun or neat. It has to be from the heart.

Dedication to the art is key to success. If you dont practice at home then you will never be good. You have to prepare to go somewhere:)(that was another good one)

So anyways you have to be called to silence in order to be a mime, silence is key to a loud society.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The shadow of a Mime-Whats your shadow do?

Mimes have to decide that you are going to pursue his presence in your life and that you seek for God to show you who he really is. Dead men only really see his face. Meaning die to self.

Getting the opportunity to minister is a very special time. It's not a performance its a ministry opportunity. Where you get to share a message of Jesus's love. We should desire that as soon as we walk into a opportunity with out saying anything, that people are weaping and uncomfortable because the presence of God is strong with us. That is what we should desire, not that they see its us that bring in the presence but that the presence touches people and they begin to see that its all about him and not about us all done with out saying a single word.

I like it in Acts 5:15 & 16 where its says that people where healed and just wanted even peters shadow to pass over them because they felt that the presence of God was with him and they wanted even his shadow to rub off the presence on them.

Its like you carry a fragrance around with you it either smells good or it stinks. We want to rub off the residue of God off on others.

Pray and seek God that his presence would over flow and be so strong that its knee buckling, mind altering, and life changing.

Its exciting when you choose to seek his presence and when you choose to follow and say yes to his call. Its make a stronger more passionate call for your life. Its your choice to choose, so choose it.:)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Dead Man Walking~Mime behind the Mask

So in some study time I was thinking and studying about death. One thing that stuck out to me which relates so much to what the meaning of mime is and where it has came from is that in our christian walk we use death as a symbol for repentance of sin, the denial of self, or our flesh dying.

When you step into the character of a mime you step out of yourself and into an open vessel that has no identity. You are not you any more. The junk that you are made of is, doesn't exist. I guess you can argue if you know the mime then you still know who they are, but that part is irrelevant.

Anyways when you step into a mime role whether it is doing a praise song, a spontaneous funny mime in a park, or a skit for children church. You help the audience to perceive you as what ever they connect the emotion with. For them it maybe a certain person, a emotion, or feeling that is hard of them to express. For example,if you are portraying that you are carrying a burden of some kind, the burden one person carries is different from the next person, so they (the audience) decide what that burden means to them.

The more death that God smells the closer he can come.

Depth of your repentance will determine the height of your revival~ Frank Bartleman

God cannot come close to living flesh(wordly attitudes, fleshly desires, shelfishness, etc) because it reeks of the world. Death(denial of self) = closeness with the creator.

Only dead men see God's face so when you go behind that veil (Mime Mask) you have to say I'm really not alive anymore I'm a walking dead man. I die to what I want and my shelfish desires and I am an open vessel for God to use how he pleases.

Dead Man walking is a term that death row uses when a inmate is spending his last moments on earth before he goes into the death chamber. As that inmates walks down that long row of cells and all the men are in silence, they remember his life for a few moments, his past and all the junk pain and bad mistakes that he has gone through. Then the door opens and as he walks in and the door closes behind him, the ones left on the outside know that he is never comming back.

Its like when you put on the mime makeup you essentially close the door to your self, your past, your faults, hurts, pain, sin, anything you done, dosent exist anymore because you have choose to die, unlike the inmate who was sentenced to it.

Their is power in the choosing to be a Dead Man Walking. (that applies not only to Mime, but to every day life as a christian)

John 3:30 he must increase, but I must decrease

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Our First Meeting

The first meeting went really well. We only had a few but others had some other obligations. But if you plan on being part of the Called to Silence Mime Ministry then please contact me and come to the next meeting Monday January 12 at 630pm. The first few weeks are critical and will teach us many techniques of mime and use a variety of new mime and older styles as well. Im exicted to get things rolling and hope that more people will come and see if it is something that they are interested in joining in. Hope to see you there.