So lots of changes been happening over the last couple weeks and months. Needless to say we haven't ministered in quite sometime. God has literally called me to silence because of what he wants me to hear. I'm not sure at this point what exactly that I am suppose to be hearing but I know that he is saying be still and quiet for when I speak I want you to hear what I am going to say to you.
I have been waitin on God because I definitely don't want to make any moves out of what God wants to take place. We were asked to do a mime at the awakening service the college and career young adult ministry at the church. Yes of course I said but also feeling a weight because are last ministry was back in December. My only other fellow mimed in the called to silence mime ministry Eric henry practiced and discussed what song to do and this song came back to us. I found it on a whim and this was the last one we did, but made for 4 people. As we stepped on stage to do this song. Somethings happened God was there and then he took it to another level. definitely the best mime we have done. Don't know if it helped anyone or not but I sure known that it was instrumental in helping me to keep stepping in the silence of my mind and stay that way till I'm given further instructions on what I am suppose to be doing.:p