I am so proud to announce that I recently was able to do a Mime with my 9 year old son Dominic. He was so nervous but excited. As I explained that he might change someone's life tonight his comment was. A kid can make a difference ya know. He made my heart smile and I know his intensity and passion showed in his mime. He was awesome. I love the fact that he is ready to do more mimes. He is such a sweet kid.
This was my first mime in a very long time. Probably a year or more. Its funny because at the time last year I wasn't at a particular church and some felt that since my ministry wasn't under a "church covering" that they didn't want to be a part of it. This type of thinking limits God's use for us. If we stay confined to be under a human covering then we are very wrong. Ministry should be a part of everyday life and not confined to church walls. It should be for outside the church as well as in side the church. Anyways if God can use a donkey who wasn't under a church covering then he can use me. LOL anyways. God is good despite our human ways.
The song my son and I did was called We Fall Down. Its a very encouraging song. One of the main verses says for a sinner is just a saint who fell down and got back up. The point is we all fall down, we all have hard times, we all struggle with life, not matter if we are pastors, teachers, dancers, mimers, etc. Its that we get back up again and keep going. We must get up and keep going despite the nay sayers. Its not the nay sayers your ministry is for. Anyways God is good and I look forward to more ministry opportunities in he future.